
I had an absolute blast on Sunday. I feel really blessed to be a part of a church that genuinely cares for one another. I have attended several churches and I have served at a few churches now, but I can honestly say that Rockway Church is the most compassionate group of people I have ever been a part of. It's always awesome when you baptize people at church- but it is especially awesome when you feel like you really know them. The synergy that was felt on Sunday morning when we baptized 3 kids and 5 adults was incredible. Imagine the scene: Everyone standing around a portable baptistry in a middle school hallway. Cramped. Many with cameras and camcorders. Tears. Laughter. Authentic cheers. Cold water. Loud applause. Big smiles. Visiting families. A group of people intimately connected by a great King- Jesus Christ is his name. It was a taste of Heaven. I look forward to experiencing more days like that one. And I know that one day it will be for good- the experience will last forever. Neverending. Neverending cheers. Neverending applause. Neverending praise. Neverending love. Neverending relationships. Neverending King.

Days like Sunday make me so happy to be doing what I am doing. It makes me think- the church has such a responsibility- a responsibility to show the world how great and glorious Jesus Christ is.

AW Tozer writes, ""The heaviest obligation lying upon the Christian Church today is to purify and elevate her concept of God until it is once more worthy of Him- and of her. In all her prayers and labors this should have first place. We do the greatest service to the next generation of Christians by passing on to them undimmed and undiminished that noble concept of God which we received from our Hebrew and Christian fathers of generations past. This will prove of greater value to them than anything that art or science can devise."

I pray we are faithful in our understanding, in our pursuit, and in our teaching of God.