Golden Rule Moments

John Ortberg speaks about "Golden Rule Moments" in his sermon called "Whatever you do, do this!". Any moment, any time, any place, any job, any setting, any interaction with any human being- on a shuttle bus, at the grocery store, at the gas station or the coffee shop or at home around the dinner table- could be a golden rule moment. "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." If this was such an important thing to Jesus- if it sums up the Law and Prophets- then why don't we act on this more often? It's a way to give our faith legs. Sometimes our faith can seem too abstract and it's kind of something that morphs from year to year, but not from day to day.
If we were to see every interaction with people throughout the day as a Golden Rule opportunity, then our faith would constantly be morphing- in a great way! In a way that looks more like Jesus. How long will I wait to become more like Jesus in this way? Every day, every interaction is an opportunity to fulfill the Law and the Prophets. There is moral meaning and content in every moment of the day. I am at the coffee shop right now, and I am about to engage the spiritual realms, take part in the battle for eternity, please my Heavenly Father, and fulfill the Law and Prophets by doing something as simple as following the little rule that we heard when we were children- the Golden Rule.
I will live this day with Golden Rule eyes.