What good has come?

Jess and I were talking the other night about the last 3 weeks of our lives. The question got tossed out: "What good has really come from us losing our baby?" One of the answers that we settled on is this: We know without a doubt that there are many people who love us, and we have experienced what Jesus is like through our friends and family. We have had so many people send us cards, emails, text messages, phone calls, visits, food, flowers, hugs, and prayers. It is humbling to know that God has attached so many people to us. I think it is true that people hurt people. But I can also see that God uses people to heal people. Ultimately healing comes from God. But he is using people to heal us. Thank you, friends. Thank you, God. Good has come our way.


Sarah said...

Kyle and Jess - I am so thankful that God brought you our way - Rockway is better because of both of you. I get excited when I think of all we are going to get to experience through Christ together. Know I am still praying - praying for healing through this time of grief, praying for peace, praying for rest, praying for wisdom as you seek God's plan for your precious family, praying that you continue to find good. You both are a tremendous blessing and encouragement to me. I can't wait to see where God takes us all. Thanks for sharing your journey with us and letting me be a small part of it. I love you guys.


Waiting said...

We love you too, Sarah. Your words and your life are so refreshing and always encouraging. Thank you.

Kristy said...

You two are an inspiration - with the grief of losing your child, you're looking for the good. That's awesome. Thank you for your openness to share with us - and to allow us to pray for you in specific ways. That's a key to helping in the healing process.

Waiting said...

Thanks, Kristy. You and Brian are an inspiration to us as well. It is always a joy to see you guys. We love you.