What are we doing and How are we doing it?

Okay, so we decided to make the Rockway Church Blog page a site that was mainly reserved for interaction and discussion- not so much devotional thoughts by staff. So if this looks familiar- it's because I just cut and pasted this entry from the Rockway Blog Site to my blog page.

"CHRIST we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone MATURE in CHRIST. For this I toil, struggling with all HIS energy that he powerfully works within me." -Paul, Colossians 1:28-29

We proclaim Christ. The Christ of the inspired Word of God. Not a Christ of morals or ethics. Not a Christ of self help psycho-babble. Not a Christ of friendly smiles and good-will. Not a Christ of reason. Those are all helpful, but not essential. We teach Christ: born of a virgin named Mary. Living a sinless life- 33 years. Suffering under Pontius Pilate. Crucified. Dead. Buried. Risen from the dead. Ascended to Heaven to be with the Father. Currently speaking to the Father on behalf of those who treasure Him. And one day returning for His Bride, the Church and destroying Death once and for all.

It's a lot to proclaim. And like Jonathan alluded to in his blog- a lot of it sounds pretty crazy. But these we must hold to- so that we can, like Paul, present everyone mature in Christ. We can be mature in a lot of things- but only one thing is worth our energy- knowing Christ.

And we want to know all there is to know about Him! Our minds were made to be filled with wonderful thoughts about Him! It's not enough to just believe that he was crucified. But we must know that he truly was dead and that he rose again- Even that's not the complete picture of Jesus. We will never get the complete picture of Jesus- like Paul said it's like trying to see Jesus in a very dim and poor mirror, but one day we will see Him face to face (1 Cor 13:12). We want to know all there is to know about Him!

And How will we do this? How can we tackle such an enormous job which is to know and teach Christ from now until life is over? The only possible way is this: We need God-like strength and energy. And God generously gives it! It's not easy. Paul says it's a struggle. But it is the ONLY thing worth striving after. Knowing and teaching Christ with the energy He provides.

God, let Rockway strive to know everything there is to know about Your son, Jesus. And may Rockway proclaim and teach none other than your true son Jesus Christ.