Though God needs no proof that He is good- because HE IS WHO HE IS- I know that it's true because of my wife- the way that He made her, shaped her personality, painted her smile, produced her laughter, sprinkled beauty into her eyes, changed her heart, saved her life through Christ, gave her an incredible family, illuminated her mind, strengthened her fingers to praise Him on the piano, gave her breath to pray to Him and speak of Him, and gave her a beautiful voice to sing praises to Him.
My wife just turned 28. I am so thankful for the 5 years of marriage and 6 years of life that God has given me to get to know her better, to love her more, and to experience more of the love of Christ through her. I love to hear her pray. And sometimes she cries when she prays- I think it's because she is blown away by how incredible it is that a holy, good, God is listening to her. My love for her has grown- so much so that I get this sense that my heart has literally grown larger and expanded! I now have more room for joy- joy that God fills my heart with every day- many times through the smile, laugh, voice, and touch of my wife. I love her. If God took me today, or her for that matter, I would still consider myself blessed beyond measure. She is beautiful. I praise God for her.
An excellent wife who can find?
She is far more precious than jewels.
The heart of her husband trusts in her,
and he will have no lack of gain.
She does him good, and not harm,
all the days of her life.
Proverbs 31:10-12
Put me on your blog fool... I'm starting to think you don't like me anymore :)
Wonderful tribute to a wonderful lady. I'm glad I know her too! And I must say what cute children are in the background of your picture. Lisa
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